- Aluminium
- Bow
- Cancer
- Cat
- Continent
- Country
- Faberge Egg
- Fugu
- Ghostbusters
- Ice
- Jedi
- Juice
- Lance Armstrong
- Lawnmower
- Mentos
- Mirror
- Moon
- Mouse
- Mummy
- Old Man
- Perfume
- Robin Hood
- Santa Claus
- Starwars
- Sex in the city
- Silver
- Sith
- Sunflower
- The Beatles
- Tractor
Saturday, 21 August 2010
Alchemy Element Update, 30 new elements
Hello to all the Alchemy addicts :-)!! I have worked out the new list of elements which have been in the latest Alchemy update, below is the list of the 30 new elements without solutions in alphabetical order, if you need any help with creating these elements please just comment:
Monday, 16 August 2010
Advanced Task Manager
Another essential application I highly recommend for all android users would be the Advanced Task Manager. This application allows users to manage the applications which are running on the device. It can save you a lot of battery time because you can end applications which you have opened and are running in the background, furthermore it improves the performance of your device as it can free up a lot of memory space. Also advanced task manager allows you to uninstall application which you no longer use and giving you more storage space.
Price: Free
QR Code:

Price: Free
QR Code:

Scanner Radio
This application allows users to listen to thousands of police, fire scanners, railroad communications and weather radio broadcasts from around the world. All broadcasts played are live and can be listened to by anyone with the Scanner Radio installed with an internet connection. I would recommend this app for users in the USA as most live broadcasts are from the USA, such channels can be Chicago Police, Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) and many more. This application has kept me entertained for a long time and I would highly recommend it if you want to know what is going on around the world or somewhere near you. Please share your thoughts about this app.
Price: Free
QR Code:
Price: Free
QR Code:
Sunday, 15 August 2010
Barcode Scanner
This Application can be a very useful if you download from the android market. The application allows users to scan any type of barcode using the camera on your device. So if you want to download an android applications online you simply use the Barcode Scanner to scan the application's QR barcode and the Barcode Scanner will automatically bring up the download link for that specific QR barcode. You can also scan any item with a barcode for example if you scan a pack of batteries the application can search for this on Google to try and find more information on that item. Why don't you try using Barcode Scanner to scan some of the QR Codes on this blog. Please comment if you need any help and share your thoughts on this useful app.
Price: Free
Price: Free
A very simple and fun application I recently downloaded was Paint. This is very similar to the paint application you would get on a computer but with fewer features. It is designed well and has many features you can use, such features are change background colour, use spray, use emboss, import images to paint, save your image to your device, wide range of colours available from colour pallet and more.
Price: Free
QR Code:
Price: Free
QR Code:

Tuesday, 10 August 2010
Bonsai Blast

Bonsai Blast is a very addictive and fun game for all types of users and the bonus point is that it is completely free. It is a very well designed game which can keep you entertained for hours, also it is not too easy and gives users a challenge on specific levels. The object of the game is for the user to fire a coloured marble at the same coloured marbles on the level and must clear the chain before they reach the end. The game gives the user different options by using features like multiple canon locations, wall deflections and special powers which you can unlock. I have completed the game and enjoyed every second of it, there are 90 levels including a survival mode and an adventure mode. Below are some screen-shots of Bonsai Blast:
Price: Free
QR Code:

SMS Easy Deleter
This application is a simple small app which allows users to delete SMS on their android devices. I use the HTC Hero and I receive a lot of texts and at times my device receives SMS with a delay, this is because of the amount of texts I have on my device. The SMS/Messages app which comes on my device only lets me delete messages in one go or one by one for a specific contact, there is no "mark several" options so I found it a bit of a hassle deleting my text messages. SMS Easy Deleter allows me to mark as many or as little text messages as possible and so far I have no problems with this app. Another great app for managing SMS is Handcent SMS but I had some problems with this app so I stopped using it.
QR Code:

Friday, 6 August 2010
HTC Hero Custom Rom Villain 12.0
Please checkout the video below of my HTC hero with the latest Villain Custom rom installed on it, version 12.0 :

Screenshot is a very simple and useful application, specially if you are a blogger like myself. It allows the user to take screen captures of any screen or menu or application by simply shaking your android phone, very similar to the printscreen button you press on a computer or laptop. Once you shake your handset a screenshot is taken and it will be stored on your sd card. This application only works on rooted devices which is a bit of a shame as I think it can be a very useful application. If you would like to know more about rooting your device please comment or contact me and I will try my best to help. Below is some screenshots I have taken using the Screenshot application:
Download link here: http://www.geeksofts.com/apps/android/screenshot.apk

Wednesday, 4 August 2010
The Moron Test

Another great game which I have just installed on my HTC Hero is the Moron Test. This is a fun and addictive game which requires a little bit of thinking and concentration. The game starts off with some easy and simple puzzles and develops into a fast paced and somewhat challenging game. The graphics are very amusing and colourful which keeps the user entertained all throughout the game. So far I have not had any errors or problems with the game and it is very fast and responsive.
There is a free version which I have installed called the Moron Test Lite, the free version only allows you to play one level on the game but you can upgrade for $0.99 which is very cheap. I have posted some screen-shots below, anyone who has installed Moron test/Lite please share your thoughts on the game and let us know if you decided to upgrade to the full version:
QR Code:

Alchemy 270 Elements, without components
As requested below you can find the list of the 270 elements without the components in alphabetical order, if you are stuck and need help, please check the previous post on Alchemy for the full list with solutions. Please comment if you have any queries:
1. UP
2. Air
3. Airplane
4. Alcohol
5. Alcoholic
6. Algae
7. Arable
8. Arms
9. Ash
10. Ash Tray
11. Assassin
12. Avian Flu
13. Bacon
14. Bacteria
15. Bar
16. Barbecue
17. Bat
18. Batman
19. Beach
20. Bear
21. Beast
22. Beaver
23. Beer
24. Beetle
25. Berry
26. Bicycle
27. Bird
28. Bitumen
29. Blood
30. Boat
31. Boiler
32. Book
33. Bread
34. Brick
35. Brick House
36. Butterfly
37. Cactus
38. Car
39. Caramel
40. Carbon Dioxide
41. Carmine
42. Cart
43. Caviar
44. Cement
45. Cemetery
46. Ceramics
47. Champagne
48. Chariot
49. Cheese
50. Chicken
51. Christmas Tree
52. Cigarettes
53. City
54. Clay
55. Cloth
56. Clothing
57. Cloud
58. Coal
59. Coca-Cola
60. Cochineal
61. Coffin
62. Combustion Engine
63. Concrete
64. Corpse
65. Dam
66. Desert
67. Diamond
68. Diet
69. Dinosaur
70. Dough
71. Dragon
72. Dust
73. Earth
74. Ectoplasm
75. Egg
76. Electric eel
77. Electric Ray
78. Electricity
79. Energy
80. Explosion
81. Farmer
82. Fat
83. Feather
84. Fern
85. Fire
86. Fire Elemental
87. Firearms
88. Firefighter
89. Firefly
90. Fish
91. Fisherman
92. Flour
93. Flower
94. Flu
95. Flying Dinosaur
96. Fondue
97. Forest
98. Fossil
99. Frankenstein
100. Frog
101. Fruit
102. Gasoline
103. Genie
104. Geyser
105. Ghost
106. Glass
107. Golem
108. Grape
109. Grass
110. Grave
111. Grove
112. Gunpowder
113. Hen Coop
114. Hero
115. Hospital
116. Hourglass
117. Hunter
118. Hut
119. Hydrogen
120. Idea
121. Iodine
122. Kama Sutra
123. Kerogen
124. Knife
125. Lamp
126. Lava
127. Lava Golem
128. Lava Lamp
129. Leech
130. Library
131. Lichen
132. Life
133. Light
134. Light bulb
135. Lighthouse
136. Lightning Rod
137. Light Saber
138. Lime
139. Limestone
140. Livestock
141. Lizard
142. Locomotive
143. Man
144. Manure
145. Mario
146. McDonald's
147. Meat
148. Metal
149. Metal Golem
150. Milk
151. Mite
152. Mold
153. Molotov Cocktail
154. Moss
155. Motorboat
156. Motorcycle
157. Mud
158. Museum
159. Mushroom
160. Obesity
161. Omelette
162. Oxygen
163. Oxyhydrogen
164. Ozone
165. Panda
166. Paper
167. Pearl
168. Peat
169. Penicillin
170. Petri Dish
171. Petroleum
172. Phoenix
173. Pig
174. Pillow
175. Pinocchio
176. Pizza
177. Plankton
178. Piesiosauria
179. Poison
180. Poisoned Weapons
181. Pressure
183. QUARK(cheese)
185. REED
186. RUST
192. SAND
200. SEED
201. SEX
203. SICK
205. SKY
207. SMOKE
208. SNAIL
209. SNAKE
211. SOAP
216. STAKE
217. STAR
218. STEAM
221. STONE
222. STORM
223. SUGAR
225. SUN
226. SUSHI
227. SWAMP
230. TEAM
234. TIME
235. TOAST
237. TOOL
239. TREE
247. VODKA
253. WATER
256. WHALE
257. WHEAT
258. WHEEL
259. WHEY
260. WIND
261. WINE
262. WOOD
264. WOOL
265. WORM
266. YARN
268. YOSHI
270. ZOO
1. UP
2. Air
3. Airplane
4. Alcohol
5. Alcoholic
6. Algae
7. Arable
8. Arms
9. Ash
10. Ash Tray
11. Assassin
12. Avian Flu
13. Bacon
14. Bacteria
15. Bar
16. Barbecue
17. Bat
18. Batman
19. Beach
20. Bear
21. Beast
22. Beaver
23. Beer
24. Beetle
25. Berry
26. Bicycle
27. Bird
28. Bitumen
29. Blood
30. Boat
31. Boiler
32. Book
33. Bread
34. Brick
35. Brick House
36. Butterfly
37. Cactus
38. Car
39. Caramel
40. Carbon Dioxide
41. Carmine
42. Cart
43. Caviar
44. Cement
45. Cemetery
46. Ceramics
47. Champagne
48. Chariot
49. Cheese
50. Chicken
51. Christmas Tree
52. Cigarettes
53. City
54. Clay
55. Cloth
56. Clothing
57. Cloud
58. Coal
59. Coca-Cola
60. Cochineal
61. Coffin
62. Combustion Engine
63. Concrete
64. Corpse
65. Dam
66. Desert
67. Diamond
68. Diet
69. Dinosaur
70. Dough
71. Dragon
72. Dust
73. Earth
74. Ectoplasm
75. Egg
76. Electric eel
77. Electric Ray
78. Electricity
79. Energy
80. Explosion
81. Farmer
82. Fat
83. Feather
84. Fern
85. Fire
86. Fire Elemental
87. Firearms
88. Firefighter
89. Firefly
90. Fish
91. Fisherman
92. Flour
93. Flower
94. Flu
95. Flying Dinosaur
96. Fondue
97. Forest
98. Fossil
99. Frankenstein
100. Frog
101. Fruit
102. Gasoline
103. Genie
104. Geyser
105. Ghost
106. Glass
107. Golem
108. Grape
109. Grass
110. Grave
111. Grove
112. Gunpowder
113. Hen Coop
114. Hero
115. Hospital
116. Hourglass
117. Hunter
118. Hut
119. Hydrogen
120. Idea
121. Iodine
122. Kama Sutra
123. Kerogen
124. Knife
125. Lamp
126. Lava
127. Lava Golem
128. Lava Lamp
129. Leech
130. Library
131. Lichen
132. Life
133. Light
134. Light bulb
135. Lighthouse
136. Lightning Rod
137. Light Saber
138. Lime
139. Limestone
140. Livestock
141. Lizard
142. Locomotive
143. Man
144. Manure
145. Mario
146. McDonald's
147. Meat
148. Metal
149. Metal Golem
150. Milk
151. Mite
152. Mold
153. Molotov Cocktail
154. Moss
155. Motorboat
156. Motorcycle
157. Mud
158. Museum
159. Mushroom
160. Obesity
161. Omelette
162. Oxygen
163. Oxyhydrogen
164. Ozone
165. Panda
166. Paper
167. Pearl
168. Peat
169. Penicillin
170. Petri Dish
171. Petroleum
172. Phoenix
173. Pig
174. Pillow
175. Pinocchio
176. Pizza
177. Plankton
178. Piesiosauria
179. Poison
180. Poisoned Weapons
181. Pressure
183. QUARK(cheese)
185. REED
186. RUST
192. SAND
200. SEED
201. SEX
203. SICK
205. SKY
207. SMOKE
208. SNAIL
209. SNAKE
211. SOAP
216. STAKE
217. STAR
218. STEAM
221. STONE
222. STORM
223. SUGAR
225. SUN
226. SUSHI
227. SWAMP
230. TEAM
234. TIME
235. TOAST
237. TOOL
239. TREE
247. VODKA
253. WATER
256. WHALE
257. WHEAT
258. WHEEL
259. WHEY
260. WIND
261. WINE
262. WOOD
264. WOOL
265. WORM
266. YARN
268. YOSHI
270. ZOO
Tuesday, 3 August 2010
Alchemy is a great and addictive game where the user is presented with four basic elements ( Air, Earth, Fire, Water) and the user can then simply mix these elements to create new elements such as life, city, alcohol, book. Currently there are 270 possible elements that can be created but the developer may release more with future updates. The game can be downloaded for free on the android market and I would highly recommend it for puzzle enthusiasts. It reminds me of a great RPG game I use to play on the pc called, Arcanum of steamworks and magick obscura, maybe some of you may have heard of it.
QR Code:
I have spent a lot of time playing this addictive game and I have come up with the full 270/270 elements. Below I have published the 270 elements in alphabetical order and how they can be created. So if you need help please just ask or simply look at the list below:
1. 1UP= life + mushroom
2. Air= starter
3. Airplane= air + car
4. Alcohol= fire + water
5. Alcoholic= man + beer/vodka/alcohol
6. Algae= life + water
7. Arable= earth + tool
8. Arms= metal + tool
9. Ash= fire + snake
10. Ash Tray= ash + glass
11. Assassin= man + poisoned weapons
12. Avian Flu= flu + bird/chicken
13. Bacon= fire + pig
14. Bacteria= life + swamp
15. Bar= brick house + beer
16. Barbecue= fire + meat
17. Bat= bird + vampire
18. Batman= man + bat
19. Beach= water + sand
20. Bear= beast + forest
21. Beast= earth + lizard
22. Beaver= dam + beast
23. Beer= alcohol + wheat
24. Beetle= earth + worm
25. Berry= grass + fruit
26. Bicycle= wheel + wheel
27. Bird= air + egg
28. Bitumen= kerogen + pressure
29. Blood= beast + hunter
30. Boat= water + wood
31. Boiler= metal + steam
32. Book= feather + paper
33. Bread= dough + fire
34. Brick= clay + fire
35. Brick House= brick + concrete
36. Butterfly= air + worm
37. Cactus= desert + tree
38. Car= cart + combustion engine
39. Caramel= sugar + fire
40. Carbon Dioxide= oxygen + man
41. Carmine= cochineal + fire
42. Cart= wheel + wood
43. Caviar= fish + fish
44. Cement= clay + limestone
45. Cemetery= grave + grave
46. Ceramics= clay + man
47. Champagne= wine + soda water
48. Chariot= warrior + cart
49. Cheese= quark(cheese) + fire
50. Chicken= egg + life
51. Christmas Tree= tree + lightbulb
52. Cigarettes= paper + tobacco
53. City= skyscraper + skyscraper
54. Clay= sand + swamp
55. Cloth= tool + wool
56. Clothing= cloth + man
57. Cloud= air + steam
58. Coal= fire + tree
59. Coca-Cola= soda water + carmine
60. Cochineal= cactus + beetle
61. Coffin= corpse + wood
62. Combustion Engine= steam engine + gasoline
63. Concrete= cement + water
64. Corpse= fire + man
65. Dam= brick + water
66. Desert= sand + sand
67. Diamond= uncut diamond + tool
68. Diet= man + yoghurt
69. Dinosaur= earth + egg
70. Dough= flour + water
71. Dragon= fire + flying dinosaur
72. Dust= air + earth
73. Earth= starter
74. Ectoplasm= ghost + energy
75. Egg= life + stone
76. Electric eel= snake + electricity
77. Electric Ray= fish + electricity
78. Electricity= energy + metal
79. Energy= air + fire
80. Explosion= gasoline + fire
81. Farmer= man + seed
82. Fat= man + pig
83. Feather= bird + hunter
84. Fern= moss + swamp
85. Fire= starter
86. Fire Elemental= fire + life
87. Firearms= arms + gunpowder
88. Firefighter= hero + fire
89. Firefly= light + beetle
90. Fish= bacteria + plankton
91. Fisherman= hunter + fish
92. Flour= stone + wheat
93. Flower= water + seed
94. Flu= air + bacteria
95. Flying Dinosaur= air + dinosaur
96. Fondue= cheese + fire
97. Forest= grove + grove
98. Fossil= dinosaur + earth
99. Frankenstein= corpse + electricity
100. Frog= lizard + swamp
101. Fruit= tree + farmer
102. Gasoline= petroleum + pressure
103. Genie= lamp + ghost
104. Geyser= steam + earth
105. Ghost= ash + life
106. Glass= fire + sand
107. Golem= clay + life
108. Grape= earth + wood
109. Grass= earth + moss
110. Grave= earth + corpse
111. Grove= tree + tree
112. Gunpowder= dust + fire
113. Hen Coop= chicken + hut
114. Hero= dragon + warrior
115. Hospital= brick house + sick
116. Hourglass= glass + sand
117. Hunter= arms + man
118. Hut= man + stone
119. Hydrogen= water + electricity
120. Idea= man + light bulb
121. Iodine= algae + fire
122. Kama Sutra= book + sex
123. Kerogen = fossil + pressure
124. Knife= meat + tool
125. Lamp= fire + glass
126. Lava= earth + fire
127. Lava Golem= lava + life
128. Lava Lamp= lava + lamp
129. Leech= blood + worm
130. Library= book + book
131. Lichen= mushroom + algae
132. Life= energy + swamp
133. Light= electricity + light bulb
134. Light bulb= electricity + glass
135. Lighthouse= skyscraper + light
136. Lightning Rod= thunderstorm + metal
137. Light Saber= arms + light
138. Lime= fire + limestone
139. Limestone= shells + stone
140. Livestock= beast + man
141. Lizard= snake + worm
142. Locomotive= cart + steam engine
143. Man= beast + life
144. Manure= grass + livestock
145. Mario= 1UP + man
146. McDonald's= Coca-Cola + sandwich
147. Meat= beast + hunter
148. Metal= fire + stone
149. Metal Golem= life + metal
150. Milk= livestock + man
151. Mite= life + dust
152. Mold= mushroom + mud
153. Molotov Cocktail= fire + alcohol
154. Moss= swamp + algae
155. Motorboat= boat + combustion engine
156. Motorcycle= bicycle + combustion engine
157. Mud= dust + water
158. Museum= brick house + fossil
159. Mushroom= earth + algae
160. Obesity= man + McDonald's
161. Omelette= egg + fire
162. Oxygen= water + electricity
163. Oxyhydrogen= oxygen + hydrogen
164. Ozone= oxygen + electricity
165. Panda= tree + beast
166. Paper= reed + tool
167. Pearl= sand + shells
168. Peat= swamp + tree
169. Penicillin= mold + scientist
170. Petri Dish= glass + bacteria
171. Petroleum= bitumen + pressure
172. Phoenix= bird + fire
173. Pig = livestock + mud
174. Pillow= feather + cloth
175. Pinocchio= wood + life
176. Pizza= cheese + dough
177. Plankton= bacteria + water
178. Piesiosauria= dinosaur + water
179. Poison= mushroom + tool
180. Poisoned Weapons= arms + poison
181. Pressure= earth + earth
182. PRISONER= assassin + time
183. QUARK(cheese)= soured milk + fire
184. QUETZALCOATL= snake + bird
185. REED= grass + swamp
186. RUST= water + metal
187. SAILBOAT= boat + cloth
188. SAILING SHIP= cloth + wooden ship
189. SAILOR= boat + man
190. SALAMANDER= fire + lizard
191. SALTPETER= limestone + manure
192. SAND= stone + water
193. SANDSTORM= storm + sand
194. SANDWICH= meat + bread
195. SCARAB= beetle + manure
196. SCIENTIST= library + man
197. SCISSORS= knife + knife
198. SCORPION= beetle + sand
199. SCOTCH WHISKEY= alcohol + peat
200. SEED= life + sand
201. SEX= man + man
202. SHELLS= plankton + stone
203. SICK= man + flu
204. SILICON= pressure + sand
205. SKY= air + cloud
206. SKYSCRAPER= brick house + glass
207. SMOKE= fire + tobacco
208. SNAIL= Shells + Worm
209. SNAKE= Swamp + Worm
210. SNIPER= Assassin + Firearms
211. SOAP= Ash + Fat
212. SODA WATER= Carbon Dioxide + Water
213. SOLDIER= Firearms + Man
214. SOURED MILK= Milk + Yogurt
215. SPINNING WHEEL= Wheel + Wool
216. STAKE= Wood + Knife
217. STAR= Sun + Scientist
218. STEAM= Air + Water
219. STEAM ENGINE= Boiler + Coal
220. STEAMER= Steam Engine + Wooden Ship
221. STONE= Air + Lava
222. STORM= Air + Energy
223. SUGAR= Lime + Reed
224. SULFUR= Bacteria + Swamp
225. SUN= Sky + Chariot
226. SUSHI= Fish + Algae
227. SWAMP= Earth + Water
228. SWEATER= Yarn + Tool
229. SWINE FLU= Pig + Flu
230. TEAM= Beast + Cart
231. TEQUILA= Alcohol + Worm
232. THUNDERBIRD= Bird + Storm
233. THUNDERSTORM= Storm + Electricity
234. TIME= Life + Hourglass
235. TOAST= Fire + Bread
236. TOBACCO= Fire + Grass
237. TOOL= Man + Metal
238. TOTORA= Forest + Ghost
239. TREE= Earth + Seed
240. TURTLE= Egg + Sand
241. TWILIGHT SAGA= Vampire + Werewolf
242. TYPHOON= Storm + Water
243. UNCUT DIAMOND= Coal + Pressure
244. UNDEAD= Corpse + Zombie
245. VAMPIRE= Blood + Man
246. VINEGAR= Alcohol + Oxygen
247. VODKA= Alcohol + Water
248. VOLCANO= Lava + Pressure
249. VULTURE= Corpse + Bird
250. VW BEETLE= Car + Beetle
251. WALKING TREE= Life + Tree
252. WARRIOR= Arms + Hunter
253. WATER= Starter
254. WEEVIL= Flour + Beetle
255. WEREWOLF= Beast + Vampire
256. WHALE= Beast + Water
257. WHEAT= Arable + Seed
258. WHEEL= Tool + Wood
259. WHEY= Soured Milk + Fire
260. WIND= Air + Air
261. WINE= Grape + Alcohol
262. WOOD= Tool + Tree
263. WOODEN SHIP= Boat + Wood
264. WOOL= Beast + Hunter
265. WORM= Earth + Plankton
266. YARN= Spinning Wheel + Wool
267. YOGURT= Bacteria + Milk
268. YOSHI= 1UP + Egg
269. ZOMBIE= Corpse + Life
270. ZOO= Beast + Museum
QR Code:
I have spent a lot of time playing this addictive game and I have come up with the full 270/270 elements. Below I have published the 270 elements in alphabetical order and how they can be created. So if you need help please just ask or simply look at the list below:
1. 1UP= life + mushroom
2. Air= starter
3. Airplane= air + car
4. Alcohol= fire + water
5. Alcoholic= man + beer/vodka/alcohol
6. Algae= life + water
7. Arable= earth + tool
8. Arms= metal + tool
9. Ash= fire + snake
10. Ash Tray= ash + glass
11. Assassin= man + poisoned weapons
12. Avian Flu= flu + bird/chicken
13. Bacon= fire + pig
14. Bacteria= life + swamp
15. Bar= brick house + beer
16. Barbecue= fire + meat
17. Bat= bird + vampire
18. Batman= man + bat
19. Beach= water + sand
20. Bear= beast + forest
21. Beast= earth + lizard
22. Beaver= dam + beast
23. Beer= alcohol + wheat
24. Beetle= earth + worm
25. Berry= grass + fruit
26. Bicycle= wheel + wheel
27. Bird= air + egg
28. Bitumen= kerogen + pressure
29. Blood= beast + hunter
30. Boat= water + wood
31. Boiler= metal + steam
32. Book= feather + paper
33. Bread= dough + fire
34. Brick= clay + fire
35. Brick House= brick + concrete
36. Butterfly= air + worm
37. Cactus= desert + tree
38. Car= cart + combustion engine
39. Caramel= sugar + fire
40. Carbon Dioxide= oxygen + man
41. Carmine= cochineal + fire
42. Cart= wheel + wood
43. Caviar= fish + fish
44. Cement= clay + limestone
45. Cemetery= grave + grave
46. Ceramics= clay + man
47. Champagne= wine + soda water
48. Chariot= warrior + cart
49. Cheese= quark(cheese) + fire
50. Chicken= egg + life
51. Christmas Tree= tree + lightbulb
52. Cigarettes= paper + tobacco
53. City= skyscraper + skyscraper
54. Clay= sand + swamp
55. Cloth= tool + wool
56. Clothing= cloth + man
57. Cloud= air + steam
58. Coal= fire + tree
59. Coca-Cola= soda water + carmine
60. Cochineal= cactus + beetle
61. Coffin= corpse + wood
62. Combustion Engine= steam engine + gasoline
63. Concrete= cement + water
64. Corpse= fire + man
65. Dam= brick + water
66. Desert= sand + sand
67. Diamond= uncut diamond + tool
68. Diet= man + yoghurt
69. Dinosaur= earth + egg
70. Dough= flour + water
71. Dragon= fire + flying dinosaur
72. Dust= air + earth
73. Earth= starter
74. Ectoplasm= ghost + energy
75. Egg= life + stone
76. Electric eel= snake + electricity
77. Electric Ray= fish + electricity
78. Electricity= energy + metal
79. Energy= air + fire
80. Explosion= gasoline + fire
81. Farmer= man + seed
82. Fat= man + pig
83. Feather= bird + hunter
84. Fern= moss + swamp
85. Fire= starter
86. Fire Elemental= fire + life
87. Firearms= arms + gunpowder
88. Firefighter= hero + fire
89. Firefly= light + beetle
90. Fish= bacteria + plankton
91. Fisherman= hunter + fish
92. Flour= stone + wheat
93. Flower= water + seed
94. Flu= air + bacteria
95. Flying Dinosaur= air + dinosaur
96. Fondue= cheese + fire
97. Forest= grove + grove
98. Fossil= dinosaur + earth
99. Frankenstein= corpse + electricity
100. Frog= lizard + swamp
101. Fruit= tree + farmer
102. Gasoline= petroleum + pressure
103. Genie= lamp + ghost
104. Geyser= steam + earth
105. Ghost= ash + life
106. Glass= fire + sand
107. Golem= clay + life
108. Grape= earth + wood
109. Grass= earth + moss
110. Grave= earth + corpse
111. Grove= tree + tree
112. Gunpowder= dust + fire
113. Hen Coop= chicken + hut
114. Hero= dragon + warrior
115. Hospital= brick house + sick
116. Hourglass= glass + sand
117. Hunter= arms + man
118. Hut= man + stone
119. Hydrogen= water + electricity
120. Idea= man + light bulb
121. Iodine= algae + fire
122. Kama Sutra= book + sex
123. Kerogen = fossil + pressure
124. Knife= meat + tool
125. Lamp= fire + glass
126. Lava= earth + fire
127. Lava Golem= lava + life
128. Lava Lamp= lava + lamp
129. Leech= blood + worm
130. Library= book + book
131. Lichen= mushroom + algae
132. Life= energy + swamp
133. Light= electricity + light bulb
134. Light bulb= electricity + glass
135. Lighthouse= skyscraper + light
136. Lightning Rod= thunderstorm + metal
137. Light Saber= arms + light
138. Lime= fire + limestone
139. Limestone= shells + stone
140. Livestock= beast + man
141. Lizard= snake + worm
142. Locomotive= cart + steam engine
143. Man= beast + life
144. Manure= grass + livestock
145. Mario= 1UP + man
146. McDonald's= Coca-Cola + sandwich
147. Meat= beast + hunter
148. Metal= fire + stone
149. Metal Golem= life + metal
150. Milk= livestock + man
151. Mite= life + dust
152. Mold= mushroom + mud
153. Molotov Cocktail= fire + alcohol
154. Moss= swamp + algae
155. Motorboat= boat + combustion engine
156. Motorcycle= bicycle + combustion engine
157. Mud= dust + water
158. Museum= brick house + fossil
159. Mushroom= earth + algae
160. Obesity= man + McDonald's
161. Omelette= egg + fire
162. Oxygen= water + electricity
163. Oxyhydrogen= oxygen + hydrogen
164. Ozone= oxygen + electricity
165. Panda= tree + beast
166. Paper= reed + tool
167. Pearl= sand + shells
168. Peat= swamp + tree
169. Penicillin= mold + scientist
170. Petri Dish= glass + bacteria
171. Petroleum= bitumen + pressure
172. Phoenix= bird + fire
173. Pig = livestock + mud
174. Pillow= feather + cloth
175. Pinocchio= wood + life
176. Pizza= cheese + dough
177. Plankton= bacteria + water
178. Piesiosauria= dinosaur + water
179. Poison= mushroom + tool
180. Poisoned Weapons= arms + poison
181. Pressure= earth + earth
182. PRISONER= assassin + time
183. QUARK(cheese)= soured milk + fire
184. QUETZALCOATL= snake + bird
185. REED= grass + swamp
186. RUST= water + metal
187. SAILBOAT= boat + cloth
188. SAILING SHIP= cloth + wooden ship
189. SAILOR= boat + man
190. SALAMANDER= fire + lizard
191. SALTPETER= limestone + manure
192. SAND= stone + water
193. SANDSTORM= storm + sand
194. SANDWICH= meat + bread
195. SCARAB= beetle + manure
196. SCIENTIST= library + man
197. SCISSORS= knife + knife
198. SCORPION= beetle + sand
199. SCOTCH WHISKEY= alcohol + peat
200. SEED= life + sand
201. SEX= man + man
202. SHELLS= plankton + stone
203. SICK= man + flu
204. SILICON= pressure + sand
205. SKY= air + cloud
206. SKYSCRAPER= brick house + glass
207. SMOKE= fire + tobacco
208. SNAIL= Shells + Worm
209. SNAKE= Swamp + Worm
210. SNIPER= Assassin + Firearms
211. SOAP= Ash + Fat
212. SODA WATER= Carbon Dioxide + Water
213. SOLDIER= Firearms + Man
214. SOURED MILK= Milk + Yogurt
215. SPINNING WHEEL= Wheel + Wool
216. STAKE= Wood + Knife
217. STAR= Sun + Scientist
218. STEAM= Air + Water
219. STEAM ENGINE= Boiler + Coal
220. STEAMER= Steam Engine + Wooden Ship
221. STONE= Air + Lava
222. STORM= Air + Energy
223. SUGAR= Lime + Reed
224. SULFUR= Bacteria + Swamp
225. SUN= Sky + Chariot
226. SUSHI= Fish + Algae
227. SWAMP= Earth + Water
228. SWEATER= Yarn + Tool
229. SWINE FLU= Pig + Flu
230. TEAM= Beast + Cart
231. TEQUILA= Alcohol + Worm
232. THUNDERBIRD= Bird + Storm
233. THUNDERSTORM= Storm + Electricity
234. TIME= Life + Hourglass
235. TOAST= Fire + Bread
236. TOBACCO= Fire + Grass
237. TOOL= Man + Metal
238. TOTORA= Forest + Ghost
239. TREE= Earth + Seed
240. TURTLE= Egg + Sand
241. TWILIGHT SAGA= Vampire + Werewolf
242. TYPHOON= Storm + Water
243. UNCUT DIAMOND= Coal + Pressure
244. UNDEAD= Corpse + Zombie
245. VAMPIRE= Blood + Man
246. VINEGAR= Alcohol + Oxygen
247. VODKA= Alcohol + Water
248. VOLCANO= Lava + Pressure
249. VULTURE= Corpse + Bird
250. VW BEETLE= Car + Beetle
251. WALKING TREE= Life + Tree
252. WARRIOR= Arms + Hunter
253. WATER= Starter
254. WEEVIL= Flour + Beetle
255. WEREWOLF= Beast + Vampire
256. WHALE= Beast + Water
257. WHEAT= Arable + Seed
258. WHEEL= Tool + Wood
259. WHEY= Soured Milk + Fire
260. WIND= Air + Air
261. WINE= Grape + Alcohol
262. WOOD= Tool + Tree
263. WOODEN SHIP= Boat + Wood
264. WOOL= Beast + Hunter
265. WORM= Earth + Plankton
266. YARN= Spinning Wheel + Wool
267. YOGURT= Bacteria + Milk
268. YOSHI= 1UP + Egg
269. ZOMBIE= Corpse + Life
270. ZOO= Beast + Museum
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I have made this blog because I am an android fan and would like to share my thoughts with all the android followers about the current and latest applications available on the market. I am starting off with a post about my one of favourite games so far on the android market, Alchemy. please check out the post for more details.
If you would like me to write a review or provide full details on any app on the android market then please contact me.
Hope you enjoy my blog!!
I have made this blog because I am an android fan and would like to share my thoughts with all the android followers about the current and latest applications available on the market. I am starting off with a post about my one of favourite games so far on the android market, Alchemy. please check out the post for more details.
If you would like me to write a review or provide full details on any app on the android market then please contact me.
Hope you enjoy my blog!!
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